How to prevent a cow from killing you!
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How to kill a cow

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How do I stop those hairy bastereds (slimy and/or hairless bastereds will also apply)
1. Never Blink!! The cow is a killing machine that looks for weekness, like when you blink.

2.Carry a sign showing your dominance over the cow. Something like "I love to kill things that are tasty" or "Farmers don't kill cows, I do!" Ya know, shit like that

3.If the beast still trys to get at your sweat inereds, just kick it in the nuts and run like nun running to Jesus, or something like that. (p.s. all cows have nuts, you just have to look for them.)

Cows have a taste for flesh?
Did you know that for years farmers have been feeding animal remains to other animals!!??! We have been giving the animals all the fuel they need. They have a taste for blood, and they want more!