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Various Pictures of Cows and stuff
I you like animals, and I don' mean in the "yum-yum give me some" way, use the back button, that is what it is for.

Poor Macho Man, even with his sterioded body he couldn't defeate 2 cows at once

I wish we were back in the good ol' days where YOU killed a cow for a sacrafice, not the other way around

I don't know what is worse, smelly cows playing golf, or smelly old people playing golf?

Did somebody say Mc Donalds?

Cow Suicide, it is kind of sad, isn't it?

The only smart animal I know!

Oh yea, cows can sence fear, and BLOOD!!

Don't worrie, once they kill the cow through anal electricution, they don't feel a thing.

Here is a cow dressed like Luke to trick humans so they may eat them

JUSTIN!! Watch out for that cow!!

Here is a picture of me killing a cow with my lazer powers

Thats not the way to get aHEAD in life!! HE HE HAHA

Sorry, I just got done watching Top Gun. "HIGHWAY TO THE DANGER ZONE!!"

Oh yea, there crossbreading!!